Thanks alot, no seriously...thanks alot.

Today was great. I went into work (Chili's) ready to serve up some nostril-assaulting, onion-encrusted plates of food and realized I wasn't even on the schedule. So what does any young spontaneous server do in a time like this? I pretend like nothing else in life matters - like every other responsibility has also been mistakenly scheduled for another day.  And I begin to drive. I begin to drive to the soothing tones of Billy Joel.

My destination? Bradenton. 

I came to see my dad who recently had back surgery and is enduring a very grueling recovery process both mentally and physically. 

So lets talk about Papa Lopez for a second. I love that guy. And since moving out I realized just how much I love him. I love him "this much" (my arms are spread open as far as they can go). I also love my mom "that much."

As usual, we shared laughs, a hug or two, great conversation, hilarious updates on family nuances that only a Lopez can appreciate, political excitement and frustration, and of course...some bodily noises. 

Basically, my dad is the wisest guy on the street and my mom is the most loving, caring gal I know. And I am blessed. 

Just wanted to say thanks, God, for everything. That's it. G'night.


September 18, 2008 at 5:40 AM Anonymous said...

I'm touched...deeply...I'm glad you had a great day with the parents


September 18, 2008 at 8:45 AM Tracy said...

I'm pretty sure that I am the SECOND "most loving, caring gal" you know.