Another Creativity Blog

I've really been thinking a lot about creativity and what fuels it, how to flow with it, how to keep it in motion and, most importantly at the moment, how to apply it toward my life in ministry.

So as I was driving in my car this afternoon and I really feel God gave me some clarity and truth on the matter. Here's what I got:

Creativity is not a limited commodity. Nor is it an object of vulnerable supply. Creativity cannot be wasted.

The kicker: Creativity is a time-line.

Here's what I mean. I analyze my life a lot. Almost to a fault. I know it's unhealthy but the perfectionist in me has the tendency to scrutinize past projects or ministry endeavors that I've been apart of and think that I've wasted some creativity along the way. But the big picture truth is that it's necessary to expend whatever creativity you have at that moment in order to do it again in the future. It's as if to say, "If I don't use my best idea now, although it might be ill-supported, I might not make room for the next big idea to come through." God doesn't allow women in labor to press the pause button to make sure the baby is good looking does He?

At the forefront of creativity (literally and figuratively) is the verb, create. So if this holds true, then to access creativity is to make something new or to manufacture out of thin air, right? So really, the natural progression of creating is to do it over and over again. Life reproduces and so does creativity.

The Bible reads in Psalms 45:16, "Instead of Your fathers shall be Your sons, Whom You shall make princes in all the earth" (NKJ). The crucial word in this context is instead. It didn't say along with because I believe God was trying to make the point that life has a natural progression of one generation succeeding the next. So does creativity trump itself with every new idea.

Creativity is a time-line. Access it and watch it run its beautiful, natural course. It's always there, it just might be hiding beneath the debris of preoccupation.