5 Signs Of A Slob

I hate to admit it but my apartment is a mess right now. It's border-line dangerous. So I've drawn up a 5-point list that truly classifies a slob. Hopefully, I will motivate myself to clean it...but probably not.

1. When you wake up, your first step on the ground is...technically not on the ground.

2. Your bathroom smells like a wet dog eating a peach cobbler; You don't own a dog nor do you like peach cobbler.

3. The fridge and pantry are jammed packed with food and 2008 is the popular year among the supply.

4. Due to a late night video game binge, your couch blocks basic living room traffic.

5. There's a bundle of old bananas sitting on your counter resembling an evil hand of claws.

I guess I feel slightly more guilty but still unmotivated. Man, I thought for sure that would work.

Bonus Item: Literally just found a pair of underwear behind the TV. Now it's just funny.