...Was driving to the mall food court to get work done and sitting directly beside one of those stupid "claw" vending machines.
You know, the ones where you insert 2 quarters and this dumb hand-like metal thing drops down to grab stuff but you never win? Yeah, those.
I know you're wondering why I don't just get up and leave? Because my Macbook is plugged into the only God-forsaken electrical socket in this mall - conveniently located near the vortex of hell machine.
I have heard 5 year old kids use language that I don't even use. One little girl uttered, "I hate you!!!"
Another little spanish-speaking boy yelled, "Tu eres el Diablo!"
Here's the winner:
(actual transcript)
Demon child: Mom, please just 2 more quarters?
Mom: No this is a rip off, let's go.
Demon child: Why do you suck!?
I'm seriously going to unplug it.
I've had my fill of demon machine in the same mall. Can't figure out why a mall gives you wireless internet, but not enough plugs to use it!
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