I've taken the liberty to illustrate his misfortune for all of you lovely and devoted followers. We'll call him Brick Man.
(left to right)
Slide 1: Brick man must transport a large barrel of bricks up to the top of a nearly completed building with only a pulley and rope.
Slide 2: Brick man grossly underestimates the barrel's weight and loses control. Forgetting to let go, he is flung up into the air due to the contrasting weight. His body smashes into the barrel on the way up.
Slide 3: At the top of the building, his arm gets caught in the industrial sized pulley and on the way down, the bricks fall out of the bottom of the barrel.
Slide 4: Now empty, the barrel whips back up and they meet again for a second hulk smash.
Slide 5: Weighing more than the empty barrel, Brick man's lifeless body plummets down onto the bed of freshly dropped bricks while the barrel screams back up to the top.
Slide 6: Yep, you guessed it, that mother drops right on poor Brick Man to put a mortal kombat finish to his day.
The moral of this story? Don't go to work. Ever.
You, my friend, have absolutely way too much time on your hands. Glad to see you're using it wisely?
And Gabe this why we miss you so much!
Haha, good times man.
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